
Reseller Information

Reseller for Fenugreek Capsule

Need extra income? Now you can buy Baby Snowdrop's Fenugreek Capsules at wholesale price and sell them for an extra income. Be our reseller!

Here's the deal: as a reseller, you will receive 20% discount off the price of the capsules. What this means is that you gain 20% of the profit selling them to your own customers. Now that is a lot of profit. Since our Fenugreek Capsule price was very low compared to all other Fenugreek Capsule in the market, our own profit is not that much.

The aim is for you to have your own stock so that you can sell the capsules at any time when you have customers. The terms and conditions below that you have to satisfy as a reseller are to ensure that you will always have a continuous stock, while having your own regular customers.

Terms and Conditions:

You MUST purchase a minimum of :-
20 bottles 75-capsule                                                                                               

8 bottles 150-capsule and 6 bottles 75-capsule

You MUST sell the capsules according to the prices that we have set (price is stated on the bottle label).
You MUST be active to be our reseller(means you should not only take stock only once, but continuously taking stocks, this ensure your commitment on being our reseller).

NOTE: Your privilege as a reseller will be dropped if you fail to meet these terms and conditions.

If you're interested and wish for more details, send an email to: bb.snowdrop@gmail.com

Reseller for Cloth Pad & Pantyliner

You can buy Baby Snowdrop's Cloth Pads & Pantyliners at a reduced price and sell them for an extra income. Be our reseller!

Terms and Conditions:
You MUST sell the pads and pantyliners according to the prices that we have set(except Sabah, Sarawak and International countries)
You MUST place your order at least 2-3 weeks earlier than the time you expect to receive them (i.e. allow us at least 2-3 weeks to ready your orders). Some orders may be ready sooner or later but that depends on the size of your order and also 
A deposit of 50% from the total order is compulsory upon placing an order, the balance should be settled when the order are ready to be shipped.
You MUST purchase a minimum order of RM500 and/or above.

NOTE: Your privilege as a reseller will be dropped if you fail to meet these terms and conditions.

If you're interested and wished for more details on reseller's price etc, send an email to: bb.snowdrop@gmail.com

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